Course Description

BE READY, Totally open to learn, expand, challenge and receive this Light Encoded Inner-action with a group of beautiful Light BEings gathered for the purpose of awakening and remembering more from within. 

With this group teaching discussion, we discuss many topics that will activate, bring through new awareness and provide more navigation and mastery tools to apply to your own lives. 

We do this Quantum Style, so there "appears" to be very little linear constructs, because we are conversing/providing on a Quantum Level, which is Geometric, Vibrational and through the Light Encoded Energy Transmitted and Received by each utilizing this content to accelerate their own journey here. 

We break this event down into 3 primary categories, to focus on "how" each is a part of the bigger picture for us all. Everything is connected, affects each timeline/possibilities available and by us working through these things together, we dismantle/dissolve the old linear limits and replace them with Quantum non-linear, vibrational, Soul aligned ones. 

You will benefit and be activated on a multi-dimensional level, whether your human aspect is aware of this or not. Activating our Consciousness is different than "linear learning", because it goes to the program on a subconscious level, to the cells in your body where that information is stored, to the core of your own Divine Essence and assists you with SEEING your own limits, mentalities, energy and perceived "blocks", for you to shift this yourself. 

Multi-Dimensional activations work in both the sleep and waking state. We provide the tools and higher consciousness knowledge/information for you to implement and apply, explain the SIMPLICITY of how all work and assist you with CREATING your own ways to tune and expand your own consciousness even more.... as you are READY. 

Part 1: Identifying and understanding DUALITY for Transcendence and Unification from Within

We will discuss the various ways that Duality plays out with each's inner-reality, and outer reality too. We will focus on identification for the purpose of shifting mindsets, clearing the energy that creates/holds that in place and replacing it with a NEW BELIEF, one that is Unity-based and aligned on a Higher Consciousness, Soul Level, to resolve/dissolve and activate your higher timelines to come forth easier too!

Part 2: The Mind-Body-Emotion-Spirit/Soul Connection (from a Multi-Dimensional Perspective) 

We will discuss how to bring all of these "bodies" into the highest vibration to UNIFY as ONE Body of Light (LightBody), so that working and living IN UNISON is easier, because it's your NATURAL WAY....where you/we exist as LOVE, standing in our power and reclaiming who we truly are here. All of our bodies have to be elevated and brought into full consciousness (and stay there) for this to occur. We will dispel old beliefs and provide ways for each to do this easily, by dissolving ego-resistance and replacing it with readiness, acceptance and excitement too! 

Part 3: Stepping INTO Fulfilling Your Higher/Highest Soul Purposes by Embracing Your Own Light here

This one is huge, as it's what brings forth all we desire here, yet can be challenging, where we still have dualistic programming running inside of us that "we still believe" and allow these programs to deter us from can be simple, if we will open up totally to BE READY and understand HOW all of this works... which is what we will discuss. It can be easy, if we recognize and resolve our own ego and come to full UNITY inside of ourselves. Learn ways to accomplish this and call forth all you desire to support you in your own Service to HUmanity too! 

INTEGRATION is key. Sleep, rest, relax and allow these to lift, weave and unlock your own inner-knowing that you hold inside. Honor your body's ENERGY, plenty of clean water/fluids and allow for your consciousness to EXPAND, which means more "you time" to honor this very important process.

Your registration with the Mastery School will automatically subscribe you to receive Lisa's Light Encoded Multi-Dimensional Supportive and Activating Newsletters and Updates. You can unsubscribe at any time, from the bottom of any newsletter/email update that you receive. Direct Mastery School Emails are pertinent to subscribed to/purchased content only. You can return to your "My Dashboard" at any time to resume/begin all of the courses you've registered for, to continue to build your own Library of Activation ReSOURCEs to continue to work with. ♥ 

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized WayShower, Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Guide, New Earth Physical Body Ascension & Empowerment Guide, Master (Quantum) De-Programmer, assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. Consciously holding herself Energetically as a Unified Ascended Master Light BEing (Embodiment), she holds vast Multi-Dimensional Templates and Codes for Living NEW Earth, and through various Levels of Service, shares Divine Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Codes to support, guide, assist, uplift, empower all truly ready to embrace Living this fully within themselves too. As a highly respected Evolutionary, Visionary, Oracle, and Quantum Re-Educator, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Expanded Unified Field as Pure Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality perceptions and beliefs. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency (Consciousness) of those who are open to receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it occurs on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Expansive Quantum one. She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!​

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Mastery & NEW Earth/OverSoul Embodiment Guide

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Zoom Attendance Link, Access Information & Downloadable PDF Workbook

    • Transcending Duality Workbook

    • Recorded Replays (10 Hours & 12 Minutes Total)

    • MP3 Audio Recording #1 (3hrs 50 minutes)

    • MP3 Audio Recording #2 (4hrs 19 minutes)

    • MP3 Audio Recording #3 (2hrs 3 minutes)

  • 21 Quantum Light Body Activations & Transcending Duality Teaching Discussion (BTO16 Special Offer)


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