Course Description

Audio Recorded 3-Part Program Series

3 Huge Topics For How Our Realities Change As WE Ascend & Embody The NEW

This is a 3-part Live Series where we delved into the depths of these three huge topics that change and shift as we do. You will hear participants questions and discussions regarding these three primary topics that we don't share enough information on. NOW WE ARE!

This recorded replay will allow you to receive, activate and expand your own consciousness through the energy transmitted to activate dormant encodements to catapult your multi-dimensional experience here.

Our evolution into higher consciousness existence changes our physiology and our physical reality too. It's the how's and why's that empower you in this APPLICATION PHASE to incorporate new methods into your reality so that you can live prosperous, happy and desirable lives!

The transition can be challenging where we don't understand. These simplified explanations provide you with the understanding so that you can utilize these tools and wisdom in your everyday life here. Yes, all changes, because it is supposed to. We are here to live our dreams in the physical, in peace, love, unity, and through fulfilling our SOUL PURPOSES here. We provide you with that which inspires you to step into your own power again, KNOWLEDGE... for with knowledge as to how all works, you reclaim the the ability to activate your own encodements easier and integrate higher light through you now.

Everything we do is an activation of your higher/multi-dimensional aspects, meant to be "absorbed" into your consciousness and integrated through the utilization of nature, alone time (BE/ME time) and sleep. WE provide the ancient wisdom and knowledge to activate that which you already hold inside. You take it all and apply it to your own reality/world. Navigational tools of the Ancient Masters simplified to work for you!

Each module is approximately 4 hours of comprehensive focus. Close to 12 recorded study hours available on replay. All explained by Lisa in simple language, with everyday applications incorporated into the program, to assist you in anchoring and implementing YOUR New Earth Realities here. 

Module 1: SEX (3 hours & 52 minutes)

  • What happens to our sex drive?
  • What about sexual trauma and distortions?
  • Intimacy, sex, love
  • Human vs. Soul
  • Gender, sexuality, masculine and feminine
  • Sacred Partners and sex
  • Understand how each REALity serves a different important purpose

Module 2: MONEY (4 hours & 19 minutes)

  • How money works
  • Deconstruction and re-construction of value systems
  • Money vs. Abundance
  • The Energy of Money
  • Receiving Money Vibrationally
  • Re-programming lack belief systems
  • Worthiness & Value

Module 3: RELATIONSHIPS (3 hours & 40 minutes)

  • Old Earth vs. NEW Earth Relationships
  • Cutting cords of attachment and clearing soul contracts
  • Sacred respect and love
  • Supporting each other into consciousness
  • Unity vs. Separation Consciousness
  • Clearing old versions and activating new ones

With This Online Audio Series, You Will Discover:

  • How nothing is as you "thought" it was
  • Higher Consciousness explanations and understandings of what all truly is
  • How you must APPLY all to your own experience to receive a different physical reality experience here
  • How to utilize your knowledge to assist others ready for this
  • How sleeping, taking time-off, spending time in nature, pampering & nourishing yourself and playing are required in order to BE In-Service here
  • How to listen to your body and trust what you get/hear/receive
  • And More...

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What Others Are Saying:

"I'm glad I did..."

"I just finished the 3-part Sacred Ascension Reality Series on Sex, Money, and Relationships….and wow it shifted my perspective on many different aspects of life! My husband joined me on the calls and so much has shifted in our household. Honestly up until recently I hadn’t dived into much of the divine understanding of sex or money in particular, as my journey had mostly been concerned with other areas of my life. I decided to expand my consciousness and “go there” so to speak in order to continue challenging myself. I am glad I did! These calls/courses activate you heavily…this is important! They sparked many deep feelings from within that I didn’t even know were there to that degree. I felt it on all levels…physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I worked in the moment on the calls releasing on all levels and allowing things to clear fully. My perspectives shifted after the clearings, and I was able to “see” things that I had previously not been able to. Powerful! I was able to feel the love and light pouring in afterwards. Once these limited perspectives shifted, I was able to almost immediately start to see things change in my “outer” world to varying degrees. What’s nice about these courses/calls is that you are able to join in and ask questions…anything you want! Even the “embarrassing” or difficult to ask questions receive clarity! It’s a beautiful, life-changing experience as long as you are open. Not to mention the amount of information is unreal each call! Roughly 4-5 hours each session (they tend to go over with time!) There’s a lot to take in and a lot that changes and shifts on these calls. I personally have learned so much and enjoyed every call, class, and post that Lisa offers! Thanks Lisa and her staff for the wonderful, life changing experiences!" ---Meagan Hauck Schlegel, Indiana

"So Clear, So Pure...."

Thank you, dear Lisa… for all you are sharing…. so profound….so clear, so pure…. your words are transmitting high energy from soul to soul, that made me quantum jump several times . ---Renate, Germany

"What a Magical Blessing..."

"I can't express in words the love that comes from Lisa. It shows in everything she does. "Lisa has guided me in more ways than the logical mind could ever come up with:) WOW. I found her from listening to "Healing Conversations" & when I heard her voice I could feel her truth. She is full of love & Magic & reminds us of who we truly are. I would watch her videos & read her updates & it activated so much inside of me each time & when I read her books, they were so powerful. I am so grateful to have connected with her beautiful soul & able to share her love with those around me through videos & such. It was a hard human journey with all the illusion & separation but in light it is all perfect & magical & pure love. I remember being so lost and so alone & knowing there was more.... Thank you Lisa for helping me remember. Thank you for sharing your love & being dedicated to the evolution of consciousness. Aloha Ke Akua" ♥ My heart pours because of the light she shares." ---Kelly Walker, Nevada

"Walking The Talk..."

"I have noticed that the teachers and friends that I learn the most from (and enjoy!) are the ones that "walk the talk.“ Blessed to count Lisa Brown as both friend and teacher, I have learned so much from her through both relationships. She is an amazing role model for those on the spiritual path, a gifted healer and intuitive and her dedication and devotion to sharing the Power of Love makes my heart sing! I highly, highly recommend her services, of all types, to everyone, without reservation. In LOVE!" ---Joy Ayscue, NC (The Conscious Healing Initiative)

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized WayShower, Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Guide, New Earth Physical Body Ascension & Empowerment Guide, Master (Quantum) De-Programmer, assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. Consciously holding herself Energetically as a Unified Ascended Master Light BEing (Embodiment), she holds vast Multi-Dimensional Templates and Codes for Living NEW Earth, and through various Levels of Service, shares Divine Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Codes to support, guide, assist, uplift, empower all truly ready to embrace Living this fully within themselves too. As a highly respected Evolutionary, Visionary, Oracle, and Quantum Re-Educator, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Expanded Unified Field as Pure Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality perceptions and beliefs. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency (Consciousness) of those who are open to receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it occurs on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Expansive Quantum one. She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!​

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Mastery & NEW Earth/OverSoul Embodiment Guide

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Module 1

    • Sex (3 hours & 52 minutes)

  • 02

    Module 2

    • Money (4 hours & 19 minutes)

  • 03

    Module 3

    • Relationships (3 hours & 42 minutes)


LeeAnn Tardi

5 star rating

“Mahalo Lisa ! Even when I think I have done all the work to clear, clear, clear, then I sign up for another course with you, and then I recognize more I can do for myself and for all . Hope more people will sign up and listen to the replay, f...”

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“Mahalo Lisa ! Even when I think I have done all the work to clear, clear, clear, then I sign up for another course with you, and then I recognize more I can do for myself and for all . Hope more people will sign up and listen to the replay, for all who are awakening will continue to tune up with this. recording. Blessed LeeAnn Canada ”

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