Course Description



In this Recorded 2-Part Group Inner-active program series, we explore utilizing and accessing your advanced Higher Consciousness LightBody DNA to TUNE-IN through your own multi-dimensional level of consciousness and "learn" to communicate on a telepathic/energetic level in all new, simple and natural ways.  

Exercises and simple practices will be provided/discusses, as well as "hows" to tune-in easier to access the/YOUR UNIFIED FIELD of Super Consciousness that's available to you/us all. 

Our "new" way of communicating is all energetic and on a Quantum Level, rather than a linear, spoken word one. We "learn" to adapt to these "new ways", which technically are only new to our human aspect.... as these "abilities" are our natural abilities that come forth through the APPLICATION of enhancing our own Light Intelligence held within our Crystalline LightBody DNA.

Your exposure and openness will automatically ACTIVATE where you hold this inside. By receiving these Light Encoded transmissions from Lisa through your own PRESENCE, "ancient"/Higher Consciousness multi-dimensional KEYCODES are unlocked for you to access and utilize easier through the application and utilization of the various processes provided through this program exchange.

Just some of what we discuss:

  • Telepathic Communication enhanced naturally through your own inner-connection and Crystalline LightBody DNA
  • Different ways of how to "tune" and focus to connect
  • "Reading" Energy through your own Unified Field of Quantum Expanded Consciousness
  • The importance of PURITY in order to access fully and continually
  • The importance of recognizing and dissolving your own ego to open portals/access more from within
  • Simple How To's to apply/utilize for this
  • Seeing parallels, timelines and alternate realities more
  • Shifting from linear to Quantum
  • Heart-StarGates and Universal Mind/Pineal Gland
  • Evolving continually through much higher states of consciousness here
  • So much more!
  • Infusing fun in expanding our consciousness!

Please note: There are no refunds on any of Lisa's work, as all is LIGHT ENCODED to work continuously on a multi-dimensional/Quantum Level, whether you can visibly "see" this or not. The more you practice/apply/"do", the more you will "see". This is a Quantum Level Teaching, not a linear one. ♥ 

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized WayShower, Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Guide, New Earth Physical Body Ascension & Empowerment Guide, Master (Quantum) De-Programmer, assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. Consciously holding herself Energetically as a Unified Ascended Master Light BEing (Embodiment), she holds vast Multi-Dimensional Templates and Codes for Living NEW Earth, and through various Levels of Service, shares Divine Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Codes to support, guide, assist, uplift, empower all truly ready to embrace Living this fully within themselves too. As a highly respected Evolutionary, Visionary, Oracle, and Quantum Re-Educator, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Expanded Unified Field as Pure Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality perceptions and beliefs. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency (Consciousness) of those who are open to receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it occurs on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Expansive Quantum one. She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!​

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Mastery & NEW Earth/OverSoul Embodiment Guide

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Countdown Timer for Each's Scheduled Event

    • Lyran Transmissions: Connecting Up To The Energetic Grids (Of NEW Earth)

  • 02

    Archived Recorded Video Replays

    • Week 1 Video (4 hours & 51 minutes)

    • Week 2 Video - Part 1: (6hrs & 54 minutes)

    • Week 2 Video - Part 2: (42 seconds)

  • 03

    Archived Downloadable MP3 Audio Replays

    • Week 1 MP3 (4hrs 51min)

    • Week 2 MP3 - Part 1 (6hrs & 54 minutes)


Lola Young

5 star rating

“This course came into my life through "telepathy" as I listened to something my universe was urging me to do two days before the course. I did it and the course opened up for me. This experience really blew my mind and I'm really grateful for ever...”

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“This course came into my life through "telepathy" as I listened to something my universe was urging me to do two days before the course. I did it and the course opened up for me. This experience really blew my mind and I'm really grateful for everything that I experienced both live on the call and after that as deeper understandings started flowing. I had no idea that some of the practices that have become my daily life are my natural abilities. Hearing Lisa and others share this put the pieces together in my human head. I am constantly amazed by quantum realities and how the quantum field throws all kinds of timelines at me and tells me to deal with them. Thank you! <3”

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Marvalyn Taylor

5 star rating

“I loved this course and how personalized it was with everyone sharing their experiences. I’ve always been aware of my esp ever since reading Jane Roberts book and now Lisa you have opened up my abilities far more! My only observation is that I tho...”

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“I loved this course and how personalized it was with everyone sharing their experiences. I’ve always been aware of my esp ever since reading Jane Roberts book and now Lisa you have opened up my abilities far more! My only observation is that I thought there would be a certificate for completion. However it was definitely worth the hours put in to absorb your knowledge and to share space with those amazing starseeds! Thank you for this beautiful course! Blessings to you dear love!”

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Merissa Marcuccella

5 star rating

“I loved every moment of this course! It covered a ton of questions I have had about communication, working with others’ egos in various situations, and so much more. We are much more telepathic naturally than we ever knew, and once again Lisa has ...”

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“I loved every moment of this course! It covered a ton of questions I have had about communication, working with others’ egos in various situations, and so much more. We are much more telepathic naturally than we ever knew, and once again Lisa has hit a cosmic home run of information and empowerment. I am so grateful to have done this course and will continue to do them all.”

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Rebecca Kern

5 star rating

“As with pretty much any course of Lisa's I have done, they have all been amazing and jam packed with juicy light encoded information! There were many things covered in this course that sparked new creative ideas and ways to play with "telepathy" a...”

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“As with pretty much any course of Lisa's I have done, they have all been amazing and jam packed with juicy light encoded information! There were many things covered in this course that sparked new creative ideas and ways to play with "telepathy" and it also made me realize I am doing much of this in my own way already. There was tons of take away from each conversation and over the weeks of listening to the course and I have been able to try new practices in my day to day life and it has been so much fun! This course elevated my level of play, playing with energy and magic! Can't really beat that! Thank you Lisa and everyone who participated and shared! <3 ”

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Saran Zavadovski

5 star rating

“WOW! I would have liked to follow this program when I had my 1st awakening as it explains so much things about energetic communication. Indeed the different topics discussed here allows to put words on things that our humain aspect considers as we...”

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“WOW! I would have liked to follow this program when I had my 1st awakening as it explains so much things about energetic communication. Indeed the different topics discussed here allows to put words on things that our humain aspect considers as weird, judges, has fear. That complicates significantly the process. Learning how to develop organically the energetic communication which are our gifts here assists our soul fulfillment. HEAR, SEE, FEEL is how our lightbody, our soul express we just have to remember how all of this functions. Thank’s Lisa for this bright masterclass wealthy of multi dimensional informations! ❤️”

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