Course Description

Over 3 ½ hours of downloadable audio activations to listen to, activate to and absorb in a resting/relaxation state. Utilize these to support and accelerate expansion, raise your vibrational frequency/level of consciousness, both in the sleep and waking state.  

These are Multi-Dimensional Quantum Consciousness, Light Encoded Frequency Activations that work with your various states of LightBody DNA, to go straight to the core of your cellular memories and speak directly to all of your multi-dimensional aspects to activate your Plasma Crystalline LightBody Structure and higher levels of consciousness from deep within. These can take you into holographic visualizations for you to remember more, while activating your higher consciousness and multi-dimensional aspects from within you. You just relax & sleep to absorb to further activate your NEW Crystalline Star Light BEing DNA. These unlock dormant codes that hold higher consciousness knowledge and memories deep inside. They activate your field of higher consciousness and cellular memory cleansings, so that all can merge as one. The more you listen, sleep to integrate, practice to anchor, the more these activate your own light codes further each time! They will also continue working for/with your consciousness. All you have to do is listen and embed into your own being.

Please note that the activation of your own Light, can trigger any old programs held inside that were hidden and not visible before. This is the point. Your awareness of how this process works is important, or both occur simultaneously, which is how the Awakening, Ascension/Descension/Merging and Purification processes work. Sleep sleep sleep, nature, nurture and more clean water to assist with increase electromagnetic energy and integration. Honor you & your own personal process at all times.

The "Quantum Light Preparation" (6 minutes)

This will walk you through the relaxation process to get ready to activate your consciousness for expansion, traveling, clearing, cleansing, purifying and remembering more from within!

Clearing & Releasing Package:

  • Clearing Timelines in Your Sleep (13.56 minutes)
  • Clearing Ancient Energies (7.15 minutes)
  • Clearing Old Beliefs, Limitations & Fears (7.37 minutes)
  • Cutting Cords of Attachment to the Old (7.09 minutes)
  • Releasing All Contracts & Rewriting All NEW (6.20 minutes)
  • Making the Invisible Visible To See & Release Through Love (6.12 minutes)
  • I'm Not Here to Forgive. I'm Here to Let Go, BE Free & BE Love Again (12.30 minutes)

Returning To Love Package:

  • Loving Yourself Completely & Back To An Abundant You (10.34 minutes)
  • You Are Love, Pure & Simple: Letting Go of All That Is Not You (12.01 minutes)
  • Galactic Light BEing Embodiment: Entering The Purity Era As Love (10.19 minutes)

New Reality Activation Package:

  • Activating the Belief Frequency, Ancient Portals & Magical from Within (6.34 minutes)
  • Activating the 5th Dimension & Higher Realm Frequencies from Within: With Exercises (9.35 minutes)
  • Do You Believe That Your Reality Is Fixed? (6.09 minutes)
  • I Activate the Next Awesome Reality to Come Forth In This Dimension Here (5.13 minutes)
  • Use Your HeartMind to Move You To Another Reality (10.19 minutes)
  • Writing New Timelines & Alternate Realities From Inside (4.43 minutes)

LightBody/Merkaba Activation & Unification Package:

  • Part 1: I AM a LightBody, Cosmic Portal, Universal BEing of LIGHT (29:05)
  • Part 2: The Spin, The Bubble: Unification Instead of Separation (35:04)
  • Part 3: The Sacred Space of WE (13:18)

Special Bonus: Christed Light Activation:

  • The Embodiment of Christed/Crystalline & God Consciousness (30.19 minutes)
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized WayShower, Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Guide, New Earth Physical Body Ascension & Empowerment Guide, Master (Quantum) De-Programmer, assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. Consciously holding herself Energetically as a Unified Ascended Master Light BEing (Embodiment), she holds vast Multi-Dimensional Templates and Codes for Living NEW Earth, and through various Levels of Service, shares Divine Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Codes to support, guide, assist, uplift, empower all truly ready to embrace Living this fully within themselves too. As a highly respected Evolutionary, Visionary, Oracle, and Quantum Re-Educator, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Expanded Unified Field as Pure Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality perceptions and beliefs. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency (Consciousness) of those who are open to receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it occurs on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Expansive Quantum one. She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!​

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Mastery & NEW Earth/OverSoul Embodiment Guide

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Download Your Activations Here

    • Quantum Light Activations Preparation (6 minutes): Do This First

    • Clearing & Releasing Package (1 Hour combined)

    • Returning To Love Package (33 minutes combined)

    • NEW Reality Activation Package (42 minutes combined)

    • ​LightBody/Merkaba Activation & Unification Package (1 Hour & 17 minutes combined)

    • Special Bonus: Christed Light Consciousness Activation (30 minutes)

    • Tech Guidance for Mac's & PC's


Wen Qu

5 star rating

“Aloha ! It is just so awesome! I can feel the warm flow deep in my heart, 3rd eye and the crown - I'm only less than half way with these activations :)”

“Aloha ! It is just so awesome! I can feel the warm flow deep in my heart, 3rd eye and the crown - I'm only less than half way with these activations :)”

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jessica stuart

5 star rating

“very nice and well worth the time. she is the best and clearly wants to help as many as she can. truly grateful.”

“very nice and well worth the time. she is the best and clearly wants to help as many as she can. truly grateful.”

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crystal (aka sparkles) chase

5 star rating

“Currently in the process of continuing to work with these activations. So far they have been wonderful and I/we are truly thankful to have received them.”

“Currently in the process of continuing to work with these activations. So far they have been wonderful and I/we are truly thankful to have received them.”

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najanna skaza

5 star rating

“Thank You Lisa for this magnificent activations. LOVE Najanna ”

“Thank You Lisa for this magnificent activations. LOVE Najanna ”

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Hitara Dani-El

5 star rating

“Thank you ♡ Thank you ♡ Thank you ♡ Pure awesomeness 😊✌💖”

“Thank you ♡ Thank you ♡ Thank you ♡ Pure awesomeness 😊✌💖”

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Melina Ferguson

5 star rating

“Thank you Lisa, I found this deeply profound and healing on all levels and I continue to do the inner work each day. ”

“Thank you Lisa, I found this deeply profound and healing on all levels and I continue to do the inner work each day. ”

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Catya Pestana

5 star rating

“Thank you so much Lisa...I'm still working with this powerful Quantum Light Activations. Much Peace. Catya”

“Thank you so much Lisa...I'm still working with this powerful Quantum Light Activations. Much Peace. Catya”

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ma arh

5 star rating

“I love the very idea of activation as it introduces something which is not just about understanding and informing. This went for me much deeper and shifted a lot. A possibility of replaying it allows for many rounds of inner digestion. Amazing atm...”

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“I love the very idea of activation as it introduces something which is not just about understanding and informing. This went for me much deeper and shifted a lot. A possibility of replaying it allows for many rounds of inner digestion. Amazing atmosphere and closeness to the energy transmitted. ”

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Ami Sciulli

5 star rating

“Hello Lisa, Thanks for this! The frequency coming thru helps me when I need to realign; when I want to be in the love and light you transmit. It's not the words you say, it's the frequency you transmit. I feel it every time I listen in, tune i...”

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“Hello Lisa, Thanks for this! The frequency coming thru helps me when I need to realign; when I want to be in the love and light you transmit. It's not the words you say, it's the frequency you transmit. I feel it every time I listen in, tune in. Although the words are awesome :) too. InLight and Love, Ami Sciulli”

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Karyn Childs

5 star rating

“This course is phenomenal . So much clearing, so rapidly. You can do the course at your own pace, within your own 'time'. There's no right or wrong way to do it. It's what feels good for you. Many roads lead to New Earth. I dedicated a few weeks '...”

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“This course is phenomenal . So much clearing, so rapidly. You can do the course at your own pace, within your own 'time'. There's no right or wrong way to do it. It's what feels good for you. Many roads lead to New Earth. I dedicated a few weeks 'vacation' to complete the activations while allowing space and 'time' for the denser aspects to clear. I was able to have heaps of rest, sleep, journalling of insights, thoughts and emotions, and time alone in nature to go within and clear. Much clearing was done unconsciously in my sleep state. My body continued to go Quantum. Three months later, my new realities are AMAZING. Thanks Lisa for sharing and assisting us to remember our unity and divinity. Mahalo.”

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Charlene Nelson

5 star rating

“Truly a transformative journey. So easy and effortless. I felt like this course hit on everything my heart and soul wanted to hear, be and do. I LOVE it.”

“Truly a transformative journey. So easy and effortless. I felt like this course hit on everything my heart and soul wanted to hear, be and do. I LOVE it.”

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Arianna Harrloh

5 star rating

“A-MAZING!!! I really don't have anything to add because it's just so quantumly cosmic words are just words. I will listen to these when I'm working out, when I'm in bed when I'm whenever. They have become my family. Lisa, thank you sister, your de...”

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“A-MAZING!!! I really don't have anything to add because it's just so quantumly cosmic words are just words. I will listen to these when I'm working out, when I'm in bed when I'm whenever. They have become my family. Lisa, thank you sister, your dedication, your love, your grace. Love. Arianna Harrloh”

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Easula Sedlmaier

5 star rating

“This course is so very much to the point!!! It activates, changes and addresses the Essence of our condition, of who we are and what we're being invited to do! Bowing deeply to your work and availability of this information. It spoke across all ti...”

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“This course is so very much to the point!!! It activates, changes and addresses the Essence of our condition, of who we are and what we're being invited to do! Bowing deeply to your work and availability of this information. It spoke across all time and dimensions to and from my HEART (the OneHeart).”

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Michelle Collier

5 star rating

“I love the exercises and how they activate me to get out of body and create greater self awareness.”

“I love the exercises and how they activate me to get out of body and create greater self awareness.”

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Irina Kostadinova

5 star rating

“One of my favorites”

“One of my favorites”

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Rajul Shah

5 star rating

“Thank you Lisa Transcendence Brown for bringing this package. It has been awesome to listen to the activations and everytime I do them, I understand them more and release more. ”

“Thank you Lisa Transcendence Brown for bringing this package. It has been awesome to listen to the activations and everytime I do them, I understand them more and release more. ”

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Marie Desroches

0 star rating

“These are truly truly remarkable. They each are packed FULL of powerful activations. Each one critical for every step on my pathway. I love you deeply and with immense gratitude Lisa for the gift of these Super Activations. Love and Blessings ...”

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“These are truly truly remarkable. They each are packed FULL of powerful activations. Each one critical for every step on my pathway. I love you deeply and with immense gratitude Lisa for the gift of these Super Activations. Love and Blessings to you, Marie D”

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