Course Description

This is a Super Bundle of 15 of Lisa’s 2016 Light Encoded Group Session Calls, with over 57 hours of recorded information for you to activate and awaken your higher knowledge through too! We use questions from the group to ignite and direct the energy through many topics and how to’s. Epiphanies, new awareness and understanding activate new realizations that inspire and empower you. When you apply Higher Consciousness Mastery Wisdom and tools, you become the alchemist and this can double as an In-Depth Home-Study Course too!

The energy of these interactive group audio calls focus on sharing higher consciousness wisdom and knowledge on everything Awakening, Ascension, Embodiment, Physical Crystalline LightBody/Soul Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Mastery and NEW Earth Quantum Existence.

This is a huge process, so we work with the processes that assist you in stepping further into your soul purposes/missions/roles here. Opening hearts, opening minds through challenging and obliterating the old mindsets, limits and barriers held in place. This is about the energy of all and when we understand the energy, work with the energy, deal with all in present moment... everything gets a whole lot easier. We walk you through the "hows" so that you get to choose from a multitude of options according to your own inner guidance and knowledge and higher self aspect for you! We guide and assist from the other dimensions and higher vibrational realms so that you can fully embrace your most vibrant and magnificent you and awesome realities too!

Individual Group Sessions Discussion Overview:

January 16, 2016 (4.14 Hours):

  • Ascension and the Physical Body: honoring the process, exercise and the lightbody, pineal gland activations, food needs, physical body restructuring, crystalline and star particles under the skin, the gridwork and the body
  • Everything Ascension: hearing frequencies, accessing information in your sleep, photonic winds, seeing beyond the veils, clearing karma, lucid dreaming, creating vortexes, moving energy, embodying your higher-self aspect at all times
  • Community: dealing with abusive people, how/why our hearts open/close, relationships, depression/anxiety

February 6, 2016 (3.11 Hours):

  • Physical Body Upgrades: heavy metal cleansing, DNA restructuring, body reconfiguration to higher consciousness, sun/sunburns/peeling, eye upgrades and crystals, kidneys
  • Ascension Process: returning to our original template, rebirthing and the stages we go through, stepping into our roles of an Ancient, phases of stepping into our higher-self aspects
  • Light Language: how we come to it, being and speaking “crazy”, why words don’t translate to others as we say them
  • Walk-ins, Elders, Other Races, Working with Venus
  • Lucid Dreaming in the Waking State: sleeping to anchor the dream

March 6, 2016 (3.42 Hours):

  • How Light Affects the Body: our three hearts, merging chakras, natural assistance for clearing/pain
  • Ascension, Energy Transitions, Quantum Jumping
  • Different Aspects of Self: merging our aspects, types of aspects, affecting each others’ realities
  • Frequencies: Diamond Light Codes and what they do, rainbow/gold/silver/emerald frequencies
  • Working with Andaras and Crystals
  • Focusing Energy, Creative Projects, Anchoring in Happy

March 20, 2016 (4.03 Hours): (Technical Issue. 20 minute silence. Fast Forward.)

  • Rebirthing Process, Connecting to Your Higher Self, Embodying Masculine/Feminine
  • Signs and Symbols of Your Universe
  • Gridworks and Systems Found Inside the Body
  • Energy and Productivity: focus, multiple projects, and scattered energy
  • What is jumping and how do we do it?
  • Physical Body: weight, the role our diet plays in consciousness, stimulation of body parts to clear distortions, feeling and activating energy within the body
  • New Earth Children

April 30, 2016 (3.34 Hours):

  • Frequencies, Energy, and Mercury Retrograde
  • Physical Body and Ascension: crystals in the skin and eyes, vertigo, transitioning between dimensions
  • Intentional Collapsing of the Gridwork for Everyone on Earth
  • Living Our Purpose: how our gifts come around, why we do what we do, stepping up and facing fear, creative projects vs logical projects and how they differ in higher consciousness
  • Lack Energy: seeing lack energy, opportunities vs money

May 14, 2016 (4.27 Hours):

  • Consciously Programming Reality: embracing all aspects of self, becoming a master again, standing as an ascended being
  • Activating Light: honoring how we feel, conscious release of energy/feelings, lacking motivation is part of the process (clearing heavy-duty energies)
  • Anger: the energy of anger, what it is, how to use it consciously
  • Finding Purpose: what you are here to do, starting small, information comes through when WE hit the vibration, we are meant to do the things we love
  • Sleeping to Upgrade: the importance of sleep and exhaustion, breaking points
  • Abundance: breaking the lack mentality, breaking the feeling you are not worthy, moving beyond “just getting by,” appreciating money

May 28, 2016 (4.25 Hours):

  • Consciously Programming Reality: embracing all aspects of self, becoming a master again, standing as an ascended being
  • Activating Light: honoring how we feel, conscious release of energy/feelings, lacking motivation is part of the process (clearing heavy-duty energies)
  • Anger: the energy of anger, what it is, how to use it consciously
  • Finding Purpose: what you are here to do, starting small, information comes through when WE hit the vibration, we are meant to do the things we love
  • Sleeping to Upgrade: the importance of sleep and exhaustion, breaking points
  • Abundance: breaking the lack mentality, breaking the feeling you are not worthy, moving beyond “just getting by,” appreciating money

July 23, 2016 (3.35 Hours):

  • Quantum Jumping: moving through realities, waking up in new realities, working in the moment, clearing timelines
  • Maintaining 5th Dimensional Consciousness: balance as an art form
  • Conscious Relationships: honoring vs compromising, how relationships shift during ascension, unity consciousness, empowering vs enabling in relationships
  • Everything Ascension: cellular body upgrades, expanding consciousness, not getting caught up in the symptoms and the labels, honoring the process, physical body waking up
  • Alignment of Physical Body to Hold Light: lightening, purging, detoxifying
  • Physical Body Upgrades: body filling with light, activations, expansion, crystals, misting, itching/star particle activations, eye upgrades, inflammation, solar flares

August 3, 2016 (4.1 Hours):

  • Being vs Doing: the differences in energy and listening/trusting the feelings, when to connect/take care of you and when to get up and get busy
  • The Energy of Money: as a response to your energy, using it to be in service and promote unity
  • Enabling vs Empowering: choosing your journey, stepping into your power, listening
  • Physical Body Upgrades: whole body awakenings, hearing with your whole body
  • Physical Body Ascension: star particles, crystalline activations, heating/cooling phases, misting through skin, detoxing/cleansing, pineal gland
  • Listening to the Body: it knows what it needs and your job is to listen, honoring the process

August 27, 2016 (3 Hours):

  • Sacred Activations and Frequencies
  • Physical Body Upgrades: tuning, sensations, increased electro-magnetic energy
  • Physical Abundance and Mastering the Physical Reality
  • Investing in Your Soul: what happens when the soul is awake to wake up, dark night of the soul
  • Applying the practices of loving ourselves fully

September 10, 2016 (3.42 Hours):

  • Dimensions and Realities: birthing a new reality, the different dimensions, teleportation, moving beyond your limits
  • Energy and People: community, work, family, relationships, how energies and relationships change, moving through negative energy at work, soul contracts
  • Physical Ascension: buzzing in the ears, body clearing, density, upgrades to senses, allowing the process, upgrades, becoming crystalline, purification process

September 22, 2016 (4 Hours):

  • Energy and Vibration: maintaining your energy field and space, energies around you (location and people), what are timeline collapses
  • Physical Body Ascension: physical body pain, shaking, heart aches, gums and teeth upgrades, dizziness, foods to assist with ascension
  • Supporting Yourself as a Higher Self: communicating with your higher self, the energy of money, how to be in service
  • Relationships with Self and Others in Higher Consciousness

October 8, 2016 (3.05 Hours):

  • Time, Timelines and Parallels: what are they, what are the differences?
  • Holographic Viewers: going inside to see the other dimensions energetically, seeing timelines
  • Merging all Aspects of Self: not a linear process, every aspect has its own reality
  • Merging Realities: merging, collapsing, letting go and trusting the process as a feeling
  • Energy and Responsibility: we can’t make promises anymore, humans make guarantees
  • Unified Field: the information is “out there”, we don’t live in our heads anymore, expansion process, creativity process
  • Mastery Process: Differences between Being and Doing, respecting the phase all are in

November 12, 2016 (3.53 Hours):

  • Vibrations and Frequency: Tones, tuning, shifting frequencies, becoming aware energetically, timeline jumps and collapses
  • Physical Body: density changes, photonic light activations, embodiment process, F.L.U. (frequency light upgrades), detoxing
  • Money: Valuing money and valuing self
  • Emotions and Energy: understanding purpose, letting go of guilt, honoring the process
  • Communication: how communication changes as we ascend
  • Respecting the Journey: how to honor others choices while honoring our own

December 3, 2016 (4.14 Hours):

  • Time: Time as a construct, managing time, speeding up and slowing down time, flowing through timeline collapses, being fully present to affect time, using time as a form of energy
  • Activating Aspects of Self: Human vs Higher Self realities, activating aspects in the dream state
  • Dreams and the Dream State: Working in the dream state, interacting and changing within dreams, clearing vs activating, sleep and photonic light
  • Sex from a Higher Perspective: Conscious vs Unconscious, DNA, how sex evolves energetically, understanding how sex changes during the ascension process
  • Physical Ascension: Our bodies becoming the conscious drivers of reality, honoring the body and its upgrade process
  • Various Topics: Fear of Flying, Communication, Speaking Your Truth, Energy, Exiting the Matrix
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized WayShower, Author, Transformational & Evolutionary Code-Speaker, Quantum Catalyst, Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Guide, New Earth Physical Body Ascension & Empowerment Guide, Master (Quantum) De-Programmer, assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. Consciously holding herself Energetically as a Unified Ascended Master Light BEing (Embodiment), she holds vast Multi-Dimensional Templates and Codes for Living NEW Earth, and through various Levels of Service, shares Divine Intelligence/Knowledge/Wisdom/Codes to support, guide, assist, uplift, empower all truly ready to embrace Living this fully within themselves too. As a highly respected Evolutionary, Visionary, Oracle, and Quantum Re-Educator, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Expanded Unified Field as Pure Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality perceptions and beliefs. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency (Consciousness) of those who are open to receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too. She teaches (and Simplifies) Quantum Logistics and Quantum Dynamics of our Photonic DNA Evolution as it occurs on a Multi-Dimensional Level now, yet not in a linear fashion, but instead, a Light Encoded Expansive Quantum one. She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book”, with several more on the way!​

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.

Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Mastery & NEW Earth/OverSoul Embodiment Guide

Course curriculum

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    Listen Online or Download Individually Here

    • Tech Guidance for downloading (Mac's & PC's)

    • ​January 16, 2016 (4.14 Hours)

    • February 6, 2016 (3.11 Hours):

    • ​March 6, 2016 (3.42 Hours)

    • March 20, 2016 (4.03 Hours)

    • April 30, 2016 (3.34 Hours)

    • ​May 14, 2016 (4.27 Hours)

    • May 28, 2016 (4.25 Hours)

    • ​July 23, 2016 (3.35 Hours)

    • August 3, 2016 (4.1 Hours)

    • ​August 27, 2016 (3 Hours)

    • ​September 10, 2016 (3.42 Hours)

    • ​September 22, 2016 (4 Hours)

    • ​October 8, 2016 (3.05 Hours)

    • ​November 12, 2016 (3.53 Hours)

    • ​December 3, 2016 (4.14 Hours)